Middle School Science will look at some key ideas which people have used to understand more of God's universe with the senses He has given us. What evidence has God given us so that we can develop ideas about what He has made? What are the implications of this for living as God's people?

God has been good enough to allow us to investigate His universe by developing and using models, planning and conducting investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematical and computational thinking, and constructing explanations.

Learning the Vocabulary for the New Biology Course

Middle School Science will look at some key ideas which people have used to understand more of God's creation. What evidence is used to develop the ideas? What are the implications of this for living as God's people? Life, Growth, Energy, Matter and God's Earth are some of the things we can investigate.

God has given us the gifts of Science and Mathematics to understand His world and solve problems.

In Chemistry we seek to understand the nature of the matter created by God and how this matter can combine or change . We expand our investigative skills to develop models to help this understanding. We hope to plan and conduct investigations, analyze and interpret data, use mathematical and computational thinking to explain and apply what we understand of the matter of creation.

This includes understanding the substructure of atoms and being able to use the periodic table as a tool to explain and predict the properties of elements. Chemical reactions can be understood in terms of the collisions of molecules and the rearrangements of atoms.

Middle School Science will look at some key ideas which people have used to understand more of God's universe. What evidence is used to develop the ideas? What are the implications of this for living as God's people?